Register your Business

The following information primes your account. To have a business listed in the Wildfire City Page site, like St Peters, you must have an address in the City. If you have a business in a neighboring City, users can expand their search to find you.

Which Package:
Small, $95/Year
Medium, $75/month
Large, $150/month
X-Large, $750/month

Business Name:

Contact First Name:

Contact Last Name:

Contact Email:


Yes! My business needs a new or updated website.

Contact Phone:

Business Main Address:

Business Main City:



Yellow Page Category:
What category would you use in the Yellow Pages?

Producs & Services:

You can add up to 10 Products and Services Tagged in your account and help people find you. For example, if the name of your business is "Bob's Auto", you can add tags for the tire brands you carry. You do not have to fill all 10 slots at this time. Use what you need. We will work to align with current Products & Servcies in our database.

Product or Service:

Product or Service:

Product or Service:

Product or Service:

Product or Service:

Product or Service:

Product or Service:

Product or Service:

Product or Service:

Product or Service:

Payment Information

Card Number:


Name on Card:

Zip Code for Billing Address:


Other Information

How did you hear about us?:

Thank you for your business,
Wildfire CityPages

What's included with your business account?

  • Full page on this site or the matching city site.

  • Phone number on top of page.

  • Other locations in the area or region.

  • Logo and Yellow Page Categories. Categories are included in the main search on each page.

  • Products and Services (Tags). Tags are included in the main search on each page.

  • Events Engine. Events can be included on the main events page for .

  • Press release engine. Press Releases can be included on the home page of .

  • Article blog engine. Articles can be included on the home page of .

  • FAQ (Frequently Asked Question Section).

  • VLOG (Video Log)

  • Photo Gallery

  • Social Media Links. (Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn)

  • Your Associations. Show your companies associations and certificates on your main page.

  • Office Hours.

  • Current Specials.

  • Everything is made available to the big search engines making it easier for people to find you.

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